If you are a self-employed 1099 earner?
If yes, and you are not incorporated, you are subject to double taxation. Along with your income tax being assessed, self-employed taxpayers pay an additional tax of 15.3% on the net profit of the business. S-corporation tax treatment can provide a way to take some money out of your corporation without paying self-employment taxes (Social Security and Medicare). This is because you do not have to pay this tax on distributions (dividends) from your S corporation—that is, on earnings and profits that pass through the corporation to you as a shareholder. This is the main reason S-corporations have been, and remain, popular with small business owners.
Example: (Filing single)
Sole prop:
- $50,000 Profit
- $7,065 Self-Employment Tax
- $4,955 Income Tax
$12,020 Total Tax
Example: (Filing Single)
S-Corp (Flow-through):
- $50,000 Profit
- $0 Self-Employment Tax
- $5,690 Income Tax
5,690 Total Tax